Monday, September 19, 2005

Religion in Galactica and a Giveaway

Two new things from

First, a fairly good article on the religion in Battlestar Galactica:

The Religion of Galactica
Written by Scott Collura
Friday, 16 September 2005
If there’s one thing that keeps audiences interested in the Sci Fi Channel’s hit series Battlestar Galactica, it’s the show’s ties to our own world. Yes, Galactica has spaceships. And yes, Galactica has evil robots. And yes, Galactica has galactic holocausts. But Galactica also has realistic characters who actually have problems. Galactica has fathers who don’t get along with their sons. Galactica has female “heroes” who sleep around. Galactica has bad guys who might not be as bad as they are misunderstood. Sure, we like the space battles and gee-whiz effects of the series, but we watch it for the realism of the show, a rare thing indeed for a genre program.
So that’s why it’s not surprising that the show’s executive producer Ron Moore (read the first part of our chat with him
by clicking here) doesn’t blink when he’s asked about the obvious parallels between our real world president (Bush) and his fictional president (Roslin) on the show.
“Don’t tell Mary that,” laughs Moore when the comparison is raised. Apparently series star Mary McDonnell, who plays President Laura Roslin, objects to the link. “It’s certainly in the air [when we’re writing] and it’s in my head and it’s in our discussions. The show is written in this era, so it’s hard for it not to influence us in one way or another. But I think we don’t really try to [do] a ripped from the headlines kind of format where you go, ‘O.K., let’s do this because Bush just did it, or this is hot,’ or something. This president in the show, she starts to have visions and a religious experience, and she believes there’s some validity to it. And yeah, there’s a parallel to Bush in that sense, but then we don’t want it to be a direct parallel, playing her as Bush. So really she’s having this experience and she reads these scriptures and goes, ‘You know what? This makes sense. These pieces seem to light up. This is like a big jigsaw puzzle and if you start to put these elements together they start to form a pattern. And I can see that.’”

Read the full article here: The Religion of Galactica

And on top of that, registered members at Now Playing Magazine will now have the chance to win a copy of Season 1 on DVD. Further details here: Battlestar Galactica: Season One DVD Giveaway!

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