Saturday, March 05, 2005

New Feature: Audio Commentary

The SciFi site has added a new feature, audio commentary for the night's episode, meant to be listened to while the episode is airing on a computer or iPod, through means of Podcasting.

Here's the word from the site:

Audio Commentary
With the Battlestar Galactica Podcast, you can listen to exclusive commentary by executive producer Ronald D. Moore about each episode, while you're watching it. There are two ways to enjoy this feature- subscribe to our podcast feed or download individual MP3 Files.

(Beware of spoilers! Although the commentary is provided before you watch the episode, it is meant to belistened to while watching the episode. Listening to it beforehand might ruin certain dramatic surprises.)
New commentary will be posted each Friday.


Copy-and-paste the following URL into your Podcast application:
When you synch your MP3 device, you'll automatically receive any new commentary that's been posted.
Start playing each episode's file when the words "The Cylons Were Created By Man" appear on your TV screen. Beeps will indicate when to pause for commercial breaks.
Learn more about podcasting here.


EPISODE 109: "TIGH ME UP, TIGH ME DOWN" Teaser Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 or Full Episode
You can also manually download the MP3 files from SCIFI.COM. Each episode's commentary is divided into five files, one for each segment of the show: the Teaser (the part before the opening credits); and Acts One, Two, Three and Four. Begin playing segment one when the words "The Cylons Were Created By Man" appear on your TV screen. Start each new segment after each commercial break ends.
If you download the "Full Episode" MP3, start at the same point, and pause for commercial breaks when you hear a beep.

Word about podcasting:


What Is It?A podcast is an easy way to automatically download audio files to your MP3 player through your computer. Use a free application to subscribe to the appropriate RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed. The application checks the site regularly and starts a download whenever it finds something new.
How Do I Get Started?Here's what you'll need: a computer, an Internet connection, a portable MP3 player or MP3-playback application on your computer, and some free podcasting software.
Install the software on your computer (PC or Mac).
Subscribe to a Podcast Feed by pasting its URL into your Podcast application.
The next time you synch your MP3 device, any new audio files added since your last synch will automatically be downloaded.
What Software Do I Use?Depending on your preference, you can use
iPodder, jPodder (Windows), iPodderX (MacOS X) or another Podcast application of your choosing.

Sounds like an interesting idea that they're doing. We'll let you know when they add new ones.

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