Thursday, September 08, 2005

Season 3?

Nowplaying Magazing ( has posted up an article about Ron Moore and the possibility of a Galactica Season 3.

“Well, we can’t quite say that yet. One hopes,” responds Moore who doesn’t
seem willing at the moment to fess up to the fact that Galactica is Sci Fi’s new
golden boy series, and that a year three is almost a foregone conclusion. Still,
he does acknowledge that the success of the show so far has at least affected
how he and his writing staff have approached the year two episodes – as well as
those of a possible year three.
“We’re sort of looking into larger story
arcs as to where the series is ultimately going,” he says. “And we are talking
about what season three would be. We’ve had preliminary discussions about
conceptually what we want the third season to reflect and how we would approach

Read the full article here.

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